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home > K-CULTURE > K-FILM > [DVD] 2020 Àεð¾Ö´ÏÆ佺Ʈ ¼ö»óÀÛ ¸ðÀ½Áý

[DVD] 2020 Àεð¾Ö´ÏÆ佺Ʈ ¼ö»óÀÛ ¸ðÀ½Áý

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      »óÇ° ¼³¸í ¡¤ Product Details


      [DVD] 2020 Àεð¾Ö´ÏÆ佺Ʈ ¼ö»óÀÛ ¸ðÀ½Áý 

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      È­¸é : 16:9 

      À½Çâ : DOLBY DIGITAL 2.0
      »ó¿µ½Ã°£ : 79ºÐ 

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      1. ´ë»ó ¡®ÀεðÀÇ º°¡¯ / À½¾Ç»ç¿îµåºÎ¹® Ưº°»ó

      ²Þ KKUM

      ±è°­¹Î KIM Kangmin l 2020 l 0:08:53 l DCP l B/W l Puppet
      Áß¿äÇÑ ¼ø°£¸¶´Ù ¾ö¸¶´Â ¿¹Áö¸ùÀ» ²Ù¾ú°í ³ª´Â ¾ö¸¶ÀÇ ²ÞµéÀ» Á¾±³º¸´Ù ´õ ÀÇÁöÇÑ´Ù.
      My mother¡¯s dreams have always been strong premonitions for important moments in my life. I rely on her dreams more than any religion.

      2. µ¶¸³º¸Çà»ó Prize for Independent Walk

      À¯·Éµé Ghosts

      ¹ÚÁö¿¬ PARK Jee-youn l 2020 l 0:09:55 l HD l Color l 2D
      »îÀÇ ±ÇÅ¿¡ ºüÁö°í ±×µéÀº À¯·ÉÀÌ µÇ¾ú´Ù. ±î¸¶±Í°¡ ±×µéÀ» ³ë¸°´Ù.
      In the boredom of life, they became ghosts. The crows are after them.

      3. »õº®ºñÇà»ó Prize for First Flight

      Misery Loves Company ¿î¼®ÀÌ ¶³¾îÁ³À¸¸é ÁÁ°Ú¾î

      ÀÌ»óÈ­ Sasha LEE l 2020 l 0:03:23 l HD l Color l 2D
      Ä£±¸µé°ú ÇÔ²² ¹ãÇÏ´ÃÀ» º¸¸ç ´©¿öÀÖ´Â ÁÖÀΰø. º°¶Ëº°ÀÌ Çϴÿ¡ Àá½Ã ³ªÅ¸³ªÀÚ ºÒÇöµí ¾îµÎ¿î »ý°¢µéÀÌ ¼ø°£ ½ºÃÄ Áö³ª°¡°Ô µÇ°í ±×·± ÁÖÀΰøÀÇ ¿ì¿ïÇÑ °¨Á¤ÀÌ ÃãÃß´Â ¡®²É Àΰ£¡¯À¸·Î Çü»óÈ­µÈ´Ù. ÁÖÀΰøÀ¸·Î ½ÃÀÛÇØ Ä£±¸µé, ¼¼»ó¿¡ ¿ì¿ïÇÔÀ» ¾È°í »ì¾Æ°¡´Â »ç¶÷µé ¸ðµÎ ÇϳªµÑ¾¿ ¡®²É Àΰ£¡¯À» ¸¸µé¾î³» ¼¼»óÀ» ¸ê¸Á½ÃÅ°´Â ¡®¿î¼®¡¯ ÀÌ ¶³¾îÁö±â¸¦ ÃãÃ߸鼭 ±âµµÇÏ°Ô µÇ´Âµ¥¡¦
      One night, Min is lying on a grass field with friends. A shooting star falls, and dark and intrusive thoughts hit her. Min and everyone else¡¯s melancholy feelings turn into bright and colorful ¡°flower people,¡± dancing and wishing for the end of the world.

      4. ½É»çÀ§¿ø Ưº°»ó Jury Special Prize

      È£¸ð ¿¡·ºÅ¸Åõ½º Homo ErecTattoos

      ±èÅ¿ì KIM Tae-woo l 2020 l 0:08:18 l HD l Color+B/W l 2D, 3D
      ±×¸² ±×¸®±â¸¦ ÁÁ¾ÆÇÏ´ø ÁÖÀΰø ±èÀϺ´Àº ±º´ë¿¡¼­ »ç°í·Î Å« È­»óÀ» ÀÔ°Ô µÈ´Ù. ÀÌÈÄ 1³â °¡±îÀÌ À̾îÁø °íÅ뽺·¯¿î Ä¡·áÀÇ ½Ã°£À» ¹öÅß³»°í ¸¶Ä§³» ºØ´ë¸¦ Ǫ´Â ³¯ÀÌ ´Ù°¡¿À°Ô µÇ´Âµ¥¡¦
      Private Kim, a man who loves drawing is badly burned from an accident in the military and survives a year of painful treatment. Finally the day has come to unwrap the bandages¡¦

      5. ÃÊ·ÏÀÌ»ó Special Prize for Debut Film

      Á¶±Ý ºÎÁ·ÇÑ ¿©ÀÚ Incomplete Woman

      Çã¼ö¿µ HUH Su-young l 2020 l 0:10:05 l DCP l Color l 2D, Drawing
      ¾î´À ³¯ ¾Æħ. Å丷 ³­ ¿©ÀÚÀÇ ¸öÀÌ ¹ß°ßµÈ´Ù. ÇÏü¿Í ¿Þ¼Õ ¿Ü¿¡ ´Ù¸¥ ¸öÀº ÈçÀûµµ ¾øÀÌ »ç¶óÁ³À¸¸ç ¾î¶² ħÀÔÀÇ Áõ°Åµµ ãÀ» ¼ö ¾ø¾î »ç°ÇÀÌ ¹Ì±Ã¿¡ ºüÁö·Á´ø Âû³ª, ³²¾ÆÀÖ´ø ¿Þ¼ÕÀÌ ´Ù¼¸ ¼Õ°¡¶ôÀ¸·Î ÀϾ Áõ¾ðÀ» ÇÑ´Ù. ¼­·Î¸¦ ³Ê¹« ½È¾îÇÑ ³ª¸ÓÁö ¶°³ª¹ö¸° ´Ù¸¥ ¸öÀ» ã¾Æ ÇÏü¿Í ¿Þ¼ÕÀº ±æÀ» ³ª¼±´Ù.
      One day, the dismembered body of a woman was found. Except her lower body and the left hand, the other body parts had disappeared without a trace, and there was no evidence of any intrusion. So her lower body and the left hand take the road in search of the others. They had left because they hated each other so much.

      6. KAFA Ưº°»ó KAFA Special Prize

      ¿ïŸ¸®¸¦ ³ÑÀº ÀÛÀº ¼Ò³àÀÇ ¼Õ¿¡´Â ³ª¹µ°¡Áö°¡ ÀÖ¾ú´Ù The Little Girl Crossed the Fence with a Branch in Her Hand

      ÇѹÎÁö HAN Minji l 2020 l 0:11:23 l HD l Color l Drawing, 2D
      ¿ïŸ¸®¸¦ ³ÑÀº ÀÛÀº ¼Ò³àÀÇ ±¸¸§»êÀ» ÇâÇÑ ¸ðÇè À̾߱â.
      It is the story of a little girl¡¯s adventure over a fence toward a cloud mountain.

      7. KIAFA Ưº°»ó KIAFA Special Prize

      ¹°°Çµé Belongings

      °­¹ÎÁö KANG Minji l 2020 l 0:12:52 l HD l Color l Puppet, Clay
      ÇÊ¿ä¿Í ¿ëµµ¿¡ ¸Â´Â ¾ÆÁÖ »ç¼ÒÇÑ ¹°°Çµé. ¹°°ÇÀÌ µÇ±â ÀÌÀü¿¡´Â ±×µé ¶ÇÇÑ Àú¸¶´ÙÀÇ °ø°£°ú ½Ã°£À» °¡Áö°í ÀÖ´ø ´©±º°¡¿´´Ù.
      There are trifling and mundane things to suit our needs. All of the belongings used to be someone who had their own space and time.

      8. °ü°´»ó ¡®ÃàÁ¦ÀÇ º°¡¯ Audience Choice ¡®Star of Festival¡¯

      PLAY ON Ç÷¹ÀÌ¿Â

      °íµ¿È¯, ¼ÛÇÏ¿¬, °­¼±¿ì KO Dong-hwan, SONG Ha-yeon, KANG Sun-woo l 2020 l 0:08:02 l HD l Color l 3D
      PC¹æ¿¡¼­ RPG °ÔÀÓÀ» ÇÏ°í ÀÖ´ø Ç÷¹À̾î´Â ·¹º§ 20À» ´Þ¼ºÇÏ°í, Á÷¾÷À» ¼±ÅÃÇÏ°Ô µÈ´Ù. Ç÷¹À̾î´Â ij¸¯Å͸¦ ¸¶¹ý»ç·Î Å°¿ì°íÀÚ ÇÑ´Ù. ÇÏÁö¸¸, ±×¿Í´Â ´Ù¸£°Ô °ÔÀÓ ¼ÓÀÇ Ä³¸¯ÅÍ´Â Àü»ç°¡ µÇ°í ½Í¾î ÇÑ´Ù. ij¸¯ÅÍ´Â Ç÷¹À̾îÀÇ Á¶Á¾¿¡¼­ ¹þ¾î³ª Àü»ç°¡ µÇ±â À§ÇØ ´Þ·Á°¡Áö¸¸, °ÔÀÓ ½Ã½ºÅÛÀ¸·Î ÀÎÇØ Ç÷¹À̾îÀÇ Á¶Á¾´ë·Î ²ø·Á°£´Ù. ÀÌ·Î ÀÎÇØ Ä³¸¯ÅÍ´Â °è¼ÓÇؼ­ ¸ñ¼ûÀ» ÀÒÁö¸¸, Àü»ç°¡ µÇ±â À§ÇØ Ç÷¹À̾îÀÇ Á¶Á¾¿¡¼­ ¹þ¾î³ª ²÷ÀÓ¾øÀÌ µµÀüÇÑ´Ù. Ç÷¹ÀÌ¾î ¶ÇÇÑ Áö¼ÓÀûÀÎ ¿À·ù¿¡µµ ºÒ±¸ÇÏ°í, ¸¶¹ý»ç¸¦ ¼±ÅÃÇϱâ À§ÇØ ²öÁú±â°Ô ij¸¯Å͸¦ Á¶Á¾ÇÑ´Ù. ¾î´Àµ¡ ¸¶Áö¸· Çϳª¸¸ÀÇ ¸ñ¼ûÀÌ ³²Àº ¼ø°£, ij¸¯ÅÍ¿Í Ç÷¹À̾î´Â ±»Àº °á½ÉÀ» Çϴµ¥...
      There is a boy playing a Role-Playing Game (RPG) in the Internet cafe. He has reached Level 20 in the game and wishes for his character to be a magician, but the character desires to be a warrior. His character keeps losing in her challenges against the boy and even causes constant errors. When she faces her final challenge, it is her last chance to be a warrior, but neither the character nor the boy are willing to let each other win¡¦

      9. °ü°´½É»ç´Ü»ó Public Jury Prize

      Á¦»ç Jesa

      ¼Û°æ¿ø SONG Kyungwon l 2019 l 0:06:21 l DCP l Color l Object
      Á¦»ç´Â Á¶»óÀ» ±â¸®´Â Çѱ¹ÀÇ ÀüÅëÀÌ´Ù. ÀÛ°¡´Â ºÎ¸ð´Ô°ú ÀÌ Çѱ¹ÀÇ ÀüÅë¿¡ °üÇØ ´ëÈ­Çغ¸·Á ÇÏÁö¸¸ À̾߱â´Â ÀüÇô ¿¹»óÄ¡ ¸øÇÑ ¹æÇâÀ¸·Î Èê·¯°£´Ù.
      Jesa is a Korean tradition honoring people¡¯s ancestors. The filmmaker interviewed her parents about this ritual tradition of Korea. However, things don¡¯t go as expected.

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      review board - »óÇ°Èıâ Àüüº¸±â

      review ÀÛ¼º Æû
      review board
      ÀÌ ¸§ :
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      review ¸®½ºÆ®

      QnA board - »óÇ°¹®ÀÇ Àüüº¸±â »óÇ°¹®ÀÇ

      QnA ¸®½ºÆ®
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      review board - »óÇ°Èıâ Àüüº¸±â Èı⾲±â

      review ¸®½ºÆ®
      µî·ÏµÈ ¸®ºä°¡ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.

      Item size chart »çÀÌÁî ±âÁØÇ¥

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